jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Playback Flightradar24


00:36:30 MH370: ATC, this is MH370, good morning
              ATC: Good morning, MH370. This is KL control tower, please remain                       in A10 32N
00:36:50 MH370: A10, MH370 copies that
00:38:43 ATC: MH370, please get on the runway from 32R A10
              MH370: runway from 32R A10, copy that
00:40:38 MH370, position 32R, runway ready, permitted to table off. Good                    night
             MH370: position 32R runway ready off. Good night
             MH370 copies that. Thank you, goodbye.


00:42:05 MH370: MH370 has left to port
00:42:10 ATC: MH370 position confirmed, flight altitude 180, follow the                        command and turn right, target IGARI waypoint
00:42:40 MH370: Alright, altitude 180, direction IGARI waypoint, MH370                      copies that
00:42:52 ATC: MH370, you've entered KL Radae.6, good night
              MH370: 132.6, MH370 copies that


00:46:51 MH370: KL ATC, this is MH370
              ATC: MH370, please climb to flight altitude 250
00:46:54 MH370: MH370 is climbing to flight altitude 250
00:50:06 ATC:  Mh370, climbing to flight altitude 350
00:50:09 MH370: This is MH370, flight altitude 350
01:01:14 MH370: remaining in flight altitude 350
01:01:19 ATC: MH370
01:07:55 MH370: MH370 remaining in flight altitude 350
01:08:00 ATC : MH370
01:19:24 ATC: MH370, please contact Hu Chi Minh City 120.9, good night
01:19:29 MH370: All right, good night

Vídeo de : FLIGHTRADAR24

Lo anterior son los 54 minutos de comunicaciones que mantuvo el MH370 hasta su desaparición en el radar, según los datos registrado en FLIGHTRADAR24.

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