lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Hazards of Tire Hydroplaning to Aircraft Operation 1963 NASA Langley


FAA Proposes $51,651 Civil Penalty Against All American Aviation Services

The Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proposing a civil penalty of $51,651 against All American Aviation Services, LLC (All American) of Tomball, Texas for allegedly violating FAA drug and alcohol testing regulations.  

The FAA alleges that All American allowed eight employees to continue working in safety sensitive positions for more than 30 days after they were hired, even though the company had not obtained drug and alcohol testing records from their previous employers. The FAA also alleges that All American failed to comply with procedures for follow-up tests on two of these employees, who tested positive for marijuana use prior to being hired by All American.

The FAA alleges that one of the employees who tested positive was not included in All American's random testing pool for nine months. In addition, the FAA alleges that All American did not receive a verified negative return-to-duty drug test result for the other employee who tested positive. All American is a charter and cargo carrier that primarily serves the offshore oil and gas industry.

The FAA discovered the alleged violations during a March 2013 inspection of All American's antidrug and alcohol misuse prevention program. The alleged violations occurred between February 2012 and the time of the FAA's inspection.

All American Services has 30 days from the receipt of the FAA's enforcement letter to respond to the agency.


VÍDEO: Accidente del NA2501

El viernes 23 de junio de 1950, Northwest Airlines vuelo 2501, despegó del aeropuerto LaGuardia de New York a las 08:30 pm EST con destino a Seatle, con escala en Minneapolis y Skopare, bajo condiciones de vuelo agradables.

La aeronave era un DC-4, matricula  N95425 con tres miembros de la tripulación el capitán Robert C. Lind, copiloto  Verne F. Wolfe y azafata Bonnie Ann Feidman. El pasaje era de 55 personas 27 mujeres, 22 hombres y seis niños.  

Sobre el lago Michigan, cerca de Benton Harbour, Robert C. Lind encontró una línea de tormentas eléctricas y solicitó permiso para descender a 2.500 pies, solicitud que fue denegada por congestión aérea en la zona.

Las primeras investigaciones indicaron como causa de la desaparición "explosión en el aire". Tras una investigación exhaustiva, la Junta de Aeronáutica Civil etiquetó la causa del accidente como "desconocida".

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH370 Missing Playback Flightradar24


00:36:30 MH370: ATC, this is MH370, good morning
              ATC: Good morning, MH370. This is KL control tower, please remain                       in A10 32N
00:36:50 MH370: A10, MH370 copies that
00:38:43 ATC: MH370, please get on the runway from 32R A10
              MH370: runway from 32R A10, copy that
00:40:38 MH370, position 32R, runway ready, permitted to table off. Good                    night
             MH370: position 32R runway ready off. Good night
             MH370 copies that. Thank you, goodbye.


00:42:05 MH370: MH370 has left to port
00:42:10 ATC: MH370 position confirmed, flight altitude 180, follow the                        command and turn right, target IGARI waypoint
00:42:40 MH370: Alright, altitude 180, direction IGARI waypoint, MH370                      copies that
00:42:52 ATC: MH370, you've entered KL Radae.6, good night
              MH370: 132.6, MH370 copies that


00:46:51 MH370: KL ATC, this is MH370
              ATC: MH370, please climb to flight altitude 250
00:46:54 MH370: MH370 is climbing to flight altitude 250
00:50:06 ATC:  Mh370, climbing to flight altitude 350
00:50:09 MH370: This is MH370, flight altitude 350
01:01:14 MH370: remaining in flight altitude 350
01:01:19 ATC: MH370
01:07:55 MH370: MH370 remaining in flight altitude 350
01:08:00 ATC : MH370
01:19:24 ATC: MH370, please contact Hu Chi Minh City 120.9, good night
01:19:29 MH370: All right, good night

Vídeo de : FLIGHTRADAR24

Lo anterior son los 54 minutos de comunicaciones que mantuvo el MH370 hasta su desaparición en el radar, según los datos registrado en FLIGHTRADAR24.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014


Sucedió el 2 de agosto de 1947, el avro 691 de British South American Airways, en vuelo CS-59 procedente de Buenos Aires con destino al aeropuerto Los Cerrillos de Santiago de Chile, anunció a la torre de control que aterrizaría en cuatro minutos, sin embargo ese aterrizaje no se produjo. La aeronave desapareció  con seis pasajeros y cinco tripulantes.

Circularon infinidad de teorías, incluidas las extraterrestres, ya que basados en el último mensaje radial se escuchó una palabra indescifrable en la terminología aeronáutica. El mensaje decía: "ETA (tiempo estimado de llegada) Santiago 17:45 hrs STENDEC".

Fue en enero de 2000 cuando unos alpinistas encontraros restos humanos y fragmentos de una aeronave en el volcán Tupungato, en Argentina, a unos 80 kilómetros del aeropuerto de Santiago.

El estudio de los restos del avión arrojó que los motores de éste no fallaron y que tampoco hubo una explosión, sino que solamente se impactó contra la montaña.

La conclusión fue que una corriente de viento alcanzó una velocidad muy alta que hizo que el avión cambiara de rumbo y esto sumado a la velocidad y poca visibilidad, hizo que el avión se estrellara contra las montañas.

Aerobarómetro 2013



BREAKING: MH370 Programed to Turn 12 minutes before Co-Pilot Says 'Good ...


CIA Agent Bob Baer Says Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 COULD Have Made It ...



Review Team Finds Boeing 787 Design Safe
Recommendations Address Manufacturing Risk Mitigation

The Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today released the findings of a review team formed in January 2013 to review the Boeing 787's design, manufacture and assembly processes. The joint team of FAA and Boeing technical experts found that the aircraft was soundly designed, met its intended safety level, and that the manufacturer and the FAA had effective processes in place to identify and correct issues that emerged before and after certification. The team made seven recommendations for further improvements in Boeing processes and FAA oversight.

FAA Administrator Michael P. Huerta asked the team to review the 787's critical systems on January 11, 2013, after a lithium battery fire on a 787 in Boston. The FAA members were engineers and other technical experts who were not closely involved in the original 787 certification process.

As one indicator of the B787's intended safety level, the team compared service reliability data from the time the aircraft first started service with similar data from other previous Boeing airplane models. They determined that the B787's reliability performance in the first 16 months of service was comparable to the reliability of other new Boeing models over the same time period, including the B777.

"After the first Boeing 787 battery incident last year, I called for a comprehensive review of the entire design, manufacture and assembly process for the aircraft as well as a critical look at our own oversight," said FAA Administrator Michael P. Huerta. "The review team identified some problems with the manufacturing process and the way we oversee it, and we are moving quickly to address those problems."

Team members traveled to manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and abroad and used in-service data and safety risk management principles to conduct in-depth reviews of the B787's critical systems. They chose specific components to examine more thoroughly, including the aircraft's Variable Frequency Starter Generators, Electrical Power Panels, Fuel Line Couplings and Aft Fuselage Sections.

The team identified issues in the manufacturing and supplier quality areas and made four recommendations to Boeing to address those issues.

The team made parallel recommendations to the FAA for improved, risk-based FAA oversight to account for new business models. The FAA already is addressing the team's three FAA recommendations by revising internal policies and procedures for manufacturing oversight.

The team recommended that Boeing should: continue to implement and mature gated design and production processes; ensure suppliers are fully aware of their responsibilities; establish a way to ensure suppliers identify realistic program risks; and require its suppliers to follow industry standards for personnel performing Boeing-required inspections.

The team recommended that the FAA should: revise its order on certificate management of manufacturers to recognize new aircraft manufacturing business models; revise its order on production approval procedures to more fully address complex, large-scale manufacturers with extended supply chains; and revise other orders to ensure engineering conformity inspections for all projects are based on risk.

Based on the team's recommendations, the FAA is revising its policies, orders and procedures: to use risk tools to ensure manufacturing surveillance is conducted at the highest risk facilities; to assess risks related to emerging technologies, complex manufacturing processes and supply chain management; and to make engineering conformity determinations using standardized, risk-based criteria.

As a result of those changes, FAA manufacturing inspectors will expand their review of production and quality data for critical suppliers, including those located outside the United States. Through a Global Manufacturing Team the FAA chartered in 2011, the FAA is allocating resources to the areas of greatest risk at the point of manufacture to maintain appropriate FAA oversight. The FAA also is working on a rule to strengthen the supplier reporting process for quality issues at all tiers of the supply chain.

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014


Como en Malasia, el misterio del Boeing 707 de la compañía VARIG en vuelo 967 destino Rio de Janeiro que se perdió media hora después de haber despegado del aeropuerto de Narita (Japón) en la noche del 30 de enero de 1979. Era un carguero que transportaba 20 toneladas de recámbios informáticos y 53 obras del pintor japonés Manabu Mate, valoradas entonces en 1.200.000 dólares y se cree que cayó en algún lugar del Océano Pacífico. Lo cierto es que hasta ahora no se han encontrado los cuerpos de los seis tripulantes ni tampoco los restos de la aeronave.

El avión de Varig había despegado de Narita a las 20:30, y su último contacto con el controlador de tráfico aéreo fue a las 20:55. Tenía previsto hacer un nuevo contacto a las 21:23 pero eso no ocurrió, lo que despertó la sospecha de que algo extraño había ocurrido.

El controlador de tráfico aéreo intentó la comunicación pero nadie respondió. La ruta indicaba que la aeronave debía cruzar por Honolulu (Hawai) y Anchoranhe (Alaska).

A la mañana siguiente comenzaron las búsquedas en Japón: aviones estadounidenses y barcos nipones inspeccionaron la zona donde probablemente el avión había caído. Una semana más tarde desistieron.

Una de las hipótesis sobre lo que ocurrió indica que el avión pudo haberse despresurizado durante el vuelo, lo que llevó a que la tripulación perdiese la conciencia. Según esa versión la aeronave voló en piloto automático hasta que se le acabó el combustible, tras lo cual cayó al mar.

Otras teorías sugieren que el avión fue derribado por haber entrado, sin autorización, en el espacio aéreo de la entonces Unión Soviética.

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014


<>La sonda Venus Express de la ESA fotografió una 'gloria', un fenómeno óptico similar al arcoíris, en la atmósfera de Venus, logrando así la primera imagen completa de una gloria en otro planeta  

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014


La gesta a bordo del VOSTOK I, duró 1 hora y 28 minutos y convirtió al soviético en héroe nacional.

GAGARIN nació hace 80 años, el 9 de marzo de 1934, en una familia de campesinos de la provincia de Smolensk. 

El mundo conoció su nombre 27 años más tarded cuando se convirtió en el primer hombre en volar al espacio.

"No veo ningún Dios aquí arriba" afirmó  Gagarin hace 50 años.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Envía tus preguntas

>El astronauta de la ESA Alexander Gerst ya está preparado para su misión Blue Dot a la Estación Espacial Internacional, que comenzará el próximo mes de mayo. El próximo martes 18 de marzo celebrará una rueda de prensa junto a sus compañeros de tripulación Reid Wiseman y Maxim Surayev, y la ESA te invita a enviarles tus preguntas a través de Twitter.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014


El Boeing 777-200 de Malaysa Airlines, matricula 9M-MR0, despegó del aeropuerto de Kuala Lumpur (Malasia) con destino a Pekin (China) con 227 pasajeros (154 chinos, 38 malasios, 18 indonesios, australianos e indios, 4 franceses, 3 estadounidenses, 2 neozelandeses, 2 ucranianos, 2 canadienses, 1 ruso, 1 italiano, 1 holandés, 1 austriaco y 12 tripulantes. Alcanzó el nivel FL350 y a los 40 minutos de vuelo, aproximadamente a 90 nm al noreste de Kota Bharu (Malasia), en el Golfo de Tailandia estaba en contacto con el Centro de Control de Subang, casi a punto de entrar en el Centro de Control de Tráfico Aéreo vietnamita.
En este momento la radio y el radar perdieron  el contacto, eran las 02:40 hora local, 17:22 Z del pasado 7 de marzo, y la aeronave desapareció. La última posición del radar era N6.92 E103.58. No hubo ninguna señal de socorro.
La aeronave estaba pilotada por un experimentado piloto de 53 años de edad y 18.365 horas de vuelo y un primer oficial de 27 años y 2.763 horas de vuelo.


La aeronave desaparecida tenia el número de serie 28420 LN:404 y había realizado su primer vuelo el 14 de mayo de 2002. En 2012 realizó 100 vuelos, 300 en 2013 y 50 en 2014. El 9 de agosto de 2012, en el aeropuerto chino de Shanghai Pudong, colisionó en tierra a las 16:40:00 con un Airbus A340-800 de China Easten Airlines. El ala derecha del Boeing quedó dañada.


Se están barajando diversas hipótesis; una sería la posibilidad de un atentado y otra podría ser que la aeronave, como consecuencia de la colisión antes citada, sufriera un serio daño estructural que provocara su destrucción.


Desaparece un avión con destino Pekín

El cometa Churyumov-Gerasimenko

<>El pasado día 20 de enero, la sonda Rosetta de la ESA despertó del modo de hibernación en el que había permanecido 31 meses para empezar a prepararse para el tramo final de su viaje de 10 años hacia el cometa 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Al igual que el satélite, este cometa también está saliendo de su peculiar hibernación.

Air Transport News award is oneworld's

The latest trophy was presented at a ceremony last night in Istanbul.  oneworld’s Chief Financial Officer and Director of Administration Anita Beier received the award on behalf of the alliance.
Air Transport News’ awards are presented based on a vote by its readers – with more than 4,250 of them taking part in the 2014 ballot – and deliberations by a panel of industry experts, chaired by former Secretary General of the Association of European Airlines Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus.
oneworld CEO Bruce Ashby said: “oneworld is delighted to receive this honour from Air Transport News – the unprecedented eighth “best alliance” award now in oneworld’s hands from across the world’s leading industry award schemes.  It comes at a particularly exciting time for oneworld, as we welcome on board two more great airlines at the end of this month, in TAM and US Airways, and SriLankan Airlines a month later.”
oneworld member airlines flew high in Air Transport News’ individual airline categories, with Qatar Airways named Airline of the Year.
Other “Best Airline Alliance” titles currently held by oneworld include:
  • Skytrax’s World Airline Awards 2013.
  • Business Traveller’s 2013 Awards.
  • Premier Traveler’s Best of 2013 Readers Survey
  • Global Traveler magazine’s GT Tested Reader Survey 2013 – the fourth year running that oneworld has emerged top in this poll.
  • World Travel Awards 2013 - for the 11th year running
  • Australian Business Traveller 2012 for the second year running.
  • Flight Stats On-Time Performance Award 2012. 
About oneworld
oneworld is an alliance of the world’s leading airlines committed to providing the highest level of service and convenience to frequent international travellers.  Its member airlines include airberlin, American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, LAN Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian, S7 Airlines and more than 30 of their affiliated carriers.  TAM Airlines and US Airways will join on 31 March and SriLankan Airlines on 1 May.
With these new members, oneworld will: 
  • Serve almost a thousand airports in more than 150 countries, with more than 14,000 daily departures.
  • Carry some 480 million passengers a year on a combined fleet of almost 3,500 aircraft.
  • Generate US$ 140 billion annual revenues.
oneworld member airlines work together to deliver consistently a superior, seamless travel experience, with special privileges and rewards for frequent flyers, including earning and redeeming miles and points across the entire alliance network. Top tier cardholders (Emerald and Sapphire) enjoy access to more than 600 airport lounges. The most regular travellers (Emerald) can also use fast track security lanes at select airports and extra baggage allowances. 


jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014



 Los servicios de navegación aérea dominicanos ponen de manifiesto deficiencias relacionadas con la seguridad que podrían eventualmente producir una tragedia.

La Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo ((IFALCA) que aglutina a 50.000 controladores de tránsito aéreo en 130 países, han dado la voz de alerta a la Asociación de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (IFALPA) y a la Organización de la Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI).

En una carta al director del Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil se establece que las deficiencias existentes le fueron comunicadas en al menos 12 documentos remitidos en 2013 por la Asociación Dominicana de Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo, "sin recibir respuesta ni una sola vez".


Entre los casos de inseguridad denunciados citan "la falta total de comunicaciones de Punta Cana", donde aseguran que los radioayudas para la navegación estrán fuera de servicio, lo cual "fuerza a los pilotos a completar el aterrizaje visualmente". Agregan también que el DME (equipo medidor de distancia) del aeropuerto de El Caley, en Samaná, está fuera de servicio.

La torre de control del aeropuerto de Puerto Plata operando solamente con la radio de emergencia desde hace más de un año, sufriendo múltiples fallos en las comunicaciones".

United Airlines Opens New Widebody Hangar at Newark Liberty

United Airlines Opens New Widebody Hangar at Newark Liberty

Hangar expands airline's maintenance capability for widebody aircraft by 33 percent at airport

Just weeks after opening its new Global Services reception lobby at Newark Liberty International Airport, United Airlines today unveiled its latest investment in the New York area's largest hub airport – a new widebody aircraft maintenance hangar.
United invested $35 million to construct the facility, which will help support the airline's widebody aircraft, including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350-XWB, which United will begin flying in 2018. The hangar also expands United's maintenance capability for widebodies by 33 percent at Newark Liberty.
"This state-of-the-art hangar underscores United's commitment to the city of Newark, the state of New Jersey and the region," said Ken Burtt, United's senior vice president of technical operations. "The facility will be an asset to our operation, helping us improve the reliability of our aircraft, maintain the highest levels of safety, and provide a superior workplace for our employees."
United has more than 13,000 employees in the New York metropolitan area, 700 of whom are dedicated to technical operations and maintenance at Newark Liberty. Construction of the 90,000-square-foot hangar also had a significant economic impact on the region, as more than 600 local workers helped build the facility.
"United Airlines' investment of nearly $35 million in its new 21st century hangar at Newark Liberty International Airport is further evidence of the carrier's longstanding commitment to New Jersey,'' said Port Authority Deputy Executive Director Deb Gramiccioni. "The Port Authority is especially pleased this widebody aircraft hangar is designed to serve larger aircraft like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, one of the newer generation of planes for our passengers."
In November 2013, United also completed construction of a 125,000-square-foot maintenance hangar at Washington Dulles International Airport. Together with this new hangar at Newark, United has significantly increased its maintenance capabilities on the East Coast.
United in New York / New Jersey
United is the New York area's largest airline, offering more flights and more seats from the region to more destinations around the world than any other carrier. The airline offers nearly 400 flights each day from Newark Liberty to more than 150 destinations in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia – as well as service from New York LaGuardia and from New York Kennedy to top business centers.
Newark Liberty is the only domestic and global hub serving the region, with rail links providing convenient access for travelers in New Jersey, New York City including Wall Street, and other parts of the tri-state region.
About United
United Airlines and United Express operate an average of more than 5,300 flights a day to more than 360 airports across six continents. In 2013, United and United Express carried more passenger traffic than any other airline in the world and operated nearly two million flights carrying 139 million customers. United is delivering a more flyer-friendly experience, offering more premium-cabin flat-bed seats and extra-legroom, economy-class seating than any airline in North America. In 2013, United became the first U.S. global carrier to offer satellite-based Wi-Fi, including on long-haul overseas routes. The airline also features DIRECTV® on more than 200 aircraft, with more live television access than any airline in the world. United operates nearly 700 mainline aircraft and, in 2014, will take delivery of 36 new Boeing aircraft and welcome the E175 aircraft to United Express. Business Traveler magazine awarded United Best Airline for North American Travel for 2013, and readers of Global Traveler magazine have voted United's MileagePlus program the Best Frequent-Flyer program for 10 consecutive years. Air Transport World named United the Eco-Aviation Airline of the Year Gold Winner in 2013. United is a founding member of Star Alliance, which provides service to 195 countries via 28 member airlines. More than 85,000 United employees reside in every U.S. state and in countries around the world.

U.S. Airline Industry Threats



Flight Safety Foundation Statement in Support of European Aviation Action

FSF Statement in Support of European Parliament Action on Aviation Safety

The Flight Safety Foundation expressed its support today for the new rules approved by the European Parliament in support of data sharing in the aviation industry.    

"We applaud the European Parliament for taking this important step forward in aviation safety, and urge the European Council and Commission to adopt implementing regulations and guidance material at the earliest possible time," stated Ken Hylander, Acting CEO of the Flight Safety Foundation. "Sharing data and applying powerful analytics to develop mitigation strategies represent leaps forward in further improving aviation's outstanding safety record. Through data sharing, we can collect evidence of small problems across the industry, identify the risk, and work to develop solutions - before the accident occurs."

The new regulation is expected to enter into force in May 2014. It will apply in full 18 months later.
Flight Safety Foundation is an independent, non-profit, international organization engaged in research, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety. The Foundation's mission is to be the leading voice of safety for the global aerospace community.  
Flight Safety Foundation
Emily McGee
Director of Communications
+1 703 739 6700, ext. 126


miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Pon nombre a esta misión

<>El astronauta de la ESA Andreas Mogensen viajará a la Estación Espacial Internacional el año que viene. Ya se está entrenando para ser el ingeniero de vuelo de la nave Soyuz que lo llevará a 400 kilómetros de nuestro planeta, pero su misión todavía no tiene nombre.

Airbus and more efficient air traffic management in Europe

United Airlines to Present at 2014 J.P. Morgan Aviation, Transportation and Industrials Conference

United Airlines to Present at 2014 J.P. Morgan Aviation, Transportation and Industrials Conference

Live audio webcast available at

United Airlines (NYSE: UAL) will present at the 2014 J.P. Morgan Aviation, Transportation and Industrials Conference on Monday, March 10. The presentation will begin at 8:30 a.m. CDT / 9:30 a.m. EDT.
The live audio webcast and accompanying presentation will be available on the investor relations section of United's website at The company will archive the audio webcast on the website within 24 hours of the presentation and the webcast will be available for a limited time.
About United
United Airlines and United Express operate an average of more than 5,300 flights a day to more than 360 airports across six continents. In 2013, United and United Express carried more passenger traffic than any other airline in the world and operated nearly two million flights carrying 139 million customers. United is delivering a more flyer-friendly experience, offering more premium-cabin flat-bed seats and extra-legroom, economy-class seating than any airline in North America. In 2013, United became the first U.S. global carrier to offer satellite-based Wi-Fi, including on long-haul overseas routes. The airline also features DIRECTV® on more than 200 aircraft, with more live television access than any airline in the world. United operates nearly 700 mainline aircraft and, in 2014, will take delivery of 36 new Boeing aircraft and welcome the E175 aircraft to United Express. Business Traveler magazine awarded United Best Airline for North American Travel for 2013, and readers of Global Traveler magazine have voted United's MileagePlus program the Best Frequent-Flyer program for 10 consecutive years. Air Transport World named United the Eco-Aviation Airline of the Year Gold Winner in 2013. United is a founding member of Star Alliance, which provides service to 195 countries via 28 member airlines. More than 85,000 United employees reside in every U.S. state and in countries around the world.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014


FAA Proposes $55,125 Civil Penalty Against Utah-Based Whirlybird Helicopters

The U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proposing a $55,125 civil penalty against Whirlybird Helicopters, LLC of Ogden, Utah, for allegedly violating DOT's drug and alcohol testing regulations.
The FAA alleges Whirlybird failed to conduct pre-employment drug tests on eight employees prior to their being hired to perform safety-sensitive functions on the company's helicopters, which it uses in commercial air tour operations.  Further, the agency alleges three of these employees were not in Whirlybird's random testing pool as required by DOT regulations.

Whirlybird has 30 days from the receipt of the FAA's enforcement letter to respond to the agency.

La adquisición de señales es ahora más rápida

SARAS, acrónimo en español de Adquisición Rápida de Satélites y lanzadores, permite a las estaciones de tierra adquirir señales de satélites nuevos más rápidamente y con mayor precisión que nunca. Un dispositivo circular compuesto por ocho pequeños sensores de radio-frecuencia se instala en torno al borde de una antena parabólica ya existente.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

NGC 7538

Estas algodonosas nubes retratadas por el observatorio espacial Herschel de la ESA forman parte de la región de formación de estrellas NGC 7538. Es una de las pocas 'guarderías' de estrellas masivas que se encuentran relativamente cerca de nuestro planeta, a unos 9.000 años luz, lo que permite que los astrónomos puedan estudiar sus procesos con un gran nivel de detalle.