lunes, 13 de julio de 2015


A medida que la nave NEW HORIZONS de la NASA se aproxima a su histórico sobrevuelo de PLUTÓN mañana martes 14 de julio, sigue produciendo imágenes de un mundo helado cada vez más fascinante

El pasado sábado, New Horizons capturó esta imagen, que sugiere algunas nuevas características que son de gran interés para el equipo de Geología y Geofisica de la misión. Por primera vez en Plutón, este punto de vista revela características lineales que pueden ser acantilados, así como una característica circular que podría ser un cráter de impacto.

Además durante varios días, la sonda New Horizons ha captado nuevas imágenes de Caronte la luna más grande de Plutón, las cuales nos muestran un mundo de abismos y cráteres. El abismo más profundo, que se encuentra en el hemisferio sur, es más largo y profundo que el Gran Cañón del Colorado, según William McKinnon, científico jefe adjunto del equipo de investigación.

El cráter más prominente, que se encuentra cerca del polo sur de Caronte en una imagen tomada el 11 de julio tiene 96,5 kilómetros de ancho. El brillo de mlos rayos de material fuera del cráter sugiere que se formó hace relativamente poco en términos geológicos, durante una colisión con un pequeño objeto del Cinturon de Kuiper en los últimos mill millones de años.
La oscuridad del piso del cráter es especialmente intrigante, según McKinnon. Una explicación es que el cráter ha expueto un tipo diferente de material helado que los hielos más reflexivos que se encuentran en la superficie.

A las 07,49 EDT (11:49 GMT) del martes 14 de julio, la sonda espacial New Horizons realizará su máximo acercamiento a Plutón, viajando a 49.600 kilómetros or hora, con todo el conjunto de sus siete instrumentos científicos trabajando a la vez para conseguir la mayor cantidad posible de datos científicos.

En recuerdo a Pep Campelo (JCC 14/7/86) que siempre manifestó sus deseos de "poder viajar a la Luna y Plutón".

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015


El avión E-Fan, un prototipo aeronáutico de AIBUS, se convirtió ayer en la primera aeronave eléctrica en recorrer los 32 kilómetros que separan Francia de Inglaterra a través del Canal de la Macha. El prototipo ultraligero de AIRBUS, de 600 kilos y con autonomía para 60 minutos de vuelo, completó la hazaña 106 años después de que el aviador francés Louis BLÊRIOT realizara en 1909 la misma travesía a bordo de un monoplano de 25 cv conocido como BLÊRIOT XI.
Didier Esteyna, piloto y diseñador del E-Fan de Airbus comentó "no ha habido ninguna turbulencia" y "casi he podido disfrutar del paisaje".Didier despegó de la localidad inglesa de Lydd a las 08,15 GMT y aterrizó 45 minutos después en la ciudad francesa de Calais, mientras un helicóptero de apoyo le ofrecía información de vuelo.

La travesía de ayer fue la gran puesta de largo para un aparato que por ahora sirve como avión-escuela que AIRBUS espera comercializar a partir de 2018 y que consume unos 2 euros de electricidad por hora de vuelo.

El E-Fan, de 6,7 metros de largo u 9,5 de envergadura, está construido en fibra de carbono y propulsado por dos motores alimentados por 60 baterías de litio-ion polimeros de 250 voltios. Su velocidad de crucero es de 160 kilómetros/hora, aunque puede alcanzar una punta de 220 km/h sin producir nada de dióxido de carbono.


sábado, 11 de julio de 2015


Sucedió en 2012, el pasado junio y de nuevo el día 8 (miércoles) se repitió el problema. United Airlines, la cuarta aerolínea más importante del mundo sufrió su tercer problema grave por  los sistemas informáticos.

En esta última ocasión, el paro duró un par de horas y obligó a los vuelos que estaban en el aire a aterrizar. "Problemas de conectividad en la red", explicó el portavoz de UA,  Jennifer Dohm.

martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Boeing Donates First-Ever 787 Dreamliner to Nagoya's Central Japan International Airport

Historic airplane to be displayed in Japan's main aerospace cluster, inspire next generation of aviation

Boeing (NYSE: BA), airline customers, industry partners and community leaders joined together today to celebrate Boeing's donation of the first 787-8 Dreamliner flight test airplane to Centrair International Airport in Nagoya.
"It is fitting that we bring Boeing's first-ever 787 Dreamliner, also known as ZA001, back home to Nagoya, the heart of Japan's aerospace industry," said George Maffeo, president, Boeing Japan. "Many of our partners here spent countless hours to develop and produce the 787 Dreamliner's airframe structure and Centrair was with us from the very start of the journey. ZA001 carried all of our dreams and aspirations, and has grown to symbolize the storied partnership between Boeing and Japan's outstanding aerospace industry."
"We are honored to be selected by Boeing to house the permanent display of the world's first-ever 787 Dreamliner," said Masanao Tomozoe, president and CEO, Central Japan International Airport Co., Ltd. "This milestone will allow us to significantly contribute to the aerospace community as well as the Greater Nagoya region by spurring the imagination and interest of future aviation pioneers here in Japan."
ZA001 is the last of three original flight test 787-8s Boeing has donated to inspire future generations, communities and aviation enthusiasts around the world. Previously, Boeing donated ZA002 to the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson, Ariz. and ZA003 to the Museum of Flight in Seattle.
ZA001 first flew on Dec. 15, 2009, beginning what would become a six-airplane flight test and certification program for the 787-8. ZA001 performed a variety of ground and flight tests with a focus on aerodynamics, flight controls and systems performance.
The Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner is the first in a family of technologically advanced, super-efficient airplanes with new passenger-pleasing features. With its unmatched fuel efficiency and environmental performance – 20 percent less fuel and emissions than the airplanes it replaces – the 787 has saved more than 2 billion pounds of fuel since entering service in 2011.
Sixty customers from around the world have ordered more than 1,100 Dreamliners, making it the fastest selling twin-aisle airplane in Boeing history. In Japan, ANA and Japan Airlines have ordered a combined 128 787 Dreamliners – marking the largest customer base of 787s in the world.
Central Japan International Airport (Centrair) is a 24-hour international hub airport located on a man-made island off the coast of Nagoya. Centrair serves 30 cities around the world with 300 weekly departures, as well as major cities in Japan with 80 flights per day. In 2015, the airport celebrated its 10th year of operations and was also awarded the prestigious "Best Regional Airport in the World" accolade by Skytrax.
Centrair is a transport hub for the local aerospace and automotive industries. It is the only airport in the world from which both the 787 main wing and fuselage sections are flown to Boeing's final assembly plants in the U.S. on the Dreamlifter.

SOURCE : Boeing

Boeing, Vietnam Airlines Celebrate First 787 Dreamliner for Flag Carrier

H.E. Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of Vietnam Communist Party, witnesses historic event

Companies sign memorandum of collaboration

 Boeing [NYSE: BA] and Vietnam Airlines celebrated a historic event today witnessed by H.E. Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, with the flag carrier's first 787 Dreamliner serving as a backdrop.
The event was attended by more than 200 delegates, ministers and ambassadors from Vietnam and the United States, as well as local and international media, and other invited guests at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The airplane on display is scheduled to be delivered to Vietnam Airlines later this month. 
"I'm glad to introduce the very first Boeing 787 Dreamliner for Vietnam Airlines, marking the start of 19 of these new aircraft to expand our fleet and operations," said Dr. Pham Viet Thanh, Chairman of Vietnam Airlines. "I believe that with its state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly, safe and convenient features, the 787 will offer Vietnam Airlines' customers new experiences and a new quality of service."
"Today we build on more than two decades of partnership with Vietnam Airlines and Boeing is honored to be joined by General Secretary H.E Nguyen Phu Trong on his historic first official visit to the United States," said Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEO Ray Conner. "We are proud to celebrate Vietnam Airlines' first 787 Dreamliner and to continue to provide them with the best airplanes in the world."
At the event, the two companies also signed a memorandum of collaboration toward the goal of Vietnam Airlines' fleet replacement and expansion. Boeing has offered the airline eight 787-10 Dreamliners and eight 777-8Xs, which the airline acknowledged. Boeing and Vietnam Airlines will work together and report to government authorities before coming to official cooperation agreements in the future.
The 787 provides airlines with unmatched fuel efficiency, resulting in exceptional environmental performance. The family uses 20 to 30 percent less fuel with 20 to 30 percent fewer emissions than the airplanes they replace. The 777X will include new engines, an all-new composite wing and will leverage technologies from the 787 Dreamliner, offering airlines more market coverage and revenue capability than the competition.
Vietnam Airlines, the national flag carrier of Vietnam, operates more than 360 daily flights with its young fleet of modern aircrafts. The airline, headquartered in Hanoi, will continue to expand its fleet with new and modern aircraft such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner family. Vietnam Airlines became an official member of SkyTeam Alliance in 2010 and was the first representative of the alliance in the Southeast Asia region.

SOURCE : Boeing

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015


Airline Route

Posted: 03 Jul 2015 05:01 PM PDT
Update at 0001GMT 04JUL15

KLM this week further revised planned winter 2015/16 operations, due to begin from 25OCT15. Latest update for International operation, as of 04JUL15 as follow.
Amsterdam – Abu Dhabi – Bahrain Further revision to planned Boeing 787-9 operation
25OCT15 – 29NOV15 Day x25 (Day 25: 777-200ER; Departure days from AMS, previously planned Day x35)
30NOV15 – 28FEB16 Daily (unchanged)
29FEB16 – 25MAR16 Daily (Previously planned Day 6 operated by 777-200ER)
Amsterdam – Aruba – Bonarie – Amsterdam 3 of 5 weekly service operated by A330-300, replacing -200
Amsterdam – Bogota – Cali – Amsterdam Boeing 777-200ER continues operation for the entire Northern Winter season, replacing 747-400COMBI (previous plan for 747COMBI: 25OCT15 – 29FEB16)
Amsterdam – Cairo eff 29FEB16 Boeing 787-9 replaces 777-200ER on 2 of 4 weekly flights (previous plan: 30NOV15)
Amsterdam – Calgary eff 29FEB16 Boeing 777-200ER replaces A330-200 for the remainder of winter season, 6 weekly
Amsterdam – Dubai eff 30NOV15 Boeing 787-9 replaces 777-200ER on 4 of 7 weekly (Day x257 from AMS, Day x136 from DXB)
Amsterdam – Havana eff 18JAN16 A330-300 replaces -200, 4 weekly
Amsterdam – Quito – Guayaquil – Amsterdam Boeing 787-9 operating on 2 of 7 weekly flights from 02DEC15, is postponed till 27MAR16 (Daily 787-9 from 27MAR16)
Amsterdam – Rio de Janeiro
eff 04DEC15 Boeing 787-9 operates 2 weekly flights, replacing 777-200ER (previous 787-9 service entry was 01MAR16)
eff 15DEC15 Overall frequency for Northern Winter season reduced from 6 to 5 weekly. 787-9 operates all 5 weekly flights from 01MAR16 to 26MAR16
Amsterdam – Tokyo Narita Revised operational aircraft changes. Planned Boeing 777-300ER service is now cancelled:
25OCT15 – 29NOV15 74E Daily
30NOV15 – 26MAR16 74E Day 246 772 Day x246
Amsterdam – Xiamen Planned Boeing 787-9 service from 03DEC15, delayed to 27MAR16
As a result of this past week's schedule update, revised Boeing 787-9 service entry based on dates as follow:
eff 25OCT15 Amsterdam – Abu Dhabi – Bahrain
eff 30NOV15 Amsterdam – Dubai
eff 04DEC15 Amsterdam – Rio de Janeiro
eff 28FEB16 Amsterdam – Fukuoka
eff 29FEB16 Amsterdam – Cairo
eff 27MAR16 Amsterdam – Chengdu
eff 27MAR16 Amsterdam – Quito – Guayaquil – Amstrerdam
eff 27MAR16 Amsterdam – Xiamen
Planned operation adjustment remains unchanged based on latest adjustment:
Amsterdam – Atlanta Operational frequency during winter season expands to 14 weekly (13 weekly from 25OCT15 to 30NOV15)
Amsterdam – Fukuoka 25OCT15 – 24MAR16 Service reduces from 3 to 2 weekly, 787-9 replaces 777-200ER from 28FEB16 to 24MAR16
KL869 AMS1435 – 0920+1FUK 772 37
KL870 FUK1105 – 1530AMS 772 14
Amsterdam – Luanda 02FEB16 – 26MAR16 2 weekly service continues to be operated by A330-200
Amsterdam – Osaka Kansai 25OCT15 – 28FEB16 Service reduces from 7 to 6 weekly
KL867 AMS1430 – 0935+1KIX 772 x1
KL868 KIX1115 – 1515AMS 772 x2
Amsterdam – San Francisco Service increases from 6 to 7 weekly during winter season: 25OCT15 – 31DEC15, 01MAR16 – 26MAR16
Amsterdam – Shanghai Pu Dong 29FEB16 – 26MAR16 10 weekly service operated by Boeing 747-400COMBI only. Planned 4 of 10 weekly operated by 777-200ER is cancelled
Posted: 03 Jul 2015 03:00 PM PDT
Update at 2200GMT 03JUL15

QATAR Airways on Friday (03JUL15) further revised its planned winter 2015/16 operation for Doha – London Heathrow route, as it boosts overall frequencies from 42 to 46 weekly, starting 25OCT15.
As part of Friday's schedule update, the oneWorld member will retain 2nd daily A380 operation on/after 25OCT15, which will operate QR009/010, instead of QR001/002. QR009/010 as a result is now displaying a daily schedule, instead of 3 weekly (Day 247), however the additional flight is currently not available reservation.
QR009 DOH0140 – 0620LHR 388 D
QR011 DOH0225 – 0705LHR 346 3
QR011 DOH0420 – 0900LHR 346 6
QR011 DOH0510 – 0950LHR 346 1
QR007 DOH0635 – 1105LHR 77W D
QR011 DOH0700 – 1140LHR 346 5
QR003 DOH0745 – 1225LHR 388 D
QR001 DOH1250 – 1730LHR 333 D
QR015 DOH1555 – 2025LHR 788 D
QR005 DOH1720 – 2200LHR 333 D
QR006 LHR0800 – 1750DOH 333 D
QR010 LHR0830 – 1815DOH 388 3
QR010 LHR0850 – 1835DOH 388 5
QR010 LHR0900 – 1845DOH 388 24
QR010 LHR0905 – 1850DOH 388 167
QR012 LHR1100 – 2045DOH 346 6
QR012 LHR1205 – 2150DOH 346 1
QR012 LHR1225 – 2210DOH 346 3
QR004 LHR1415 – 2359DOH 388 D
QR008 LHR1505 – 0040+1DOH 77W D
QR012 LHR1625 – 0210+1DOH 346 5
QR002 LHR2030 – 0615+1DOH 333 D
QR016 LHR2155 – 0735+1DOH 788 D
Also form 25OCT15, QATAR will operate 2-class Airbus A330-300 aircraft to London Heathrow



Esta imagen de Europa, la luna de Júpiter, enviada por el satélite de la NASA Galileo, tiene un aspecto “biológico” innegable.  La luna tiene profundas y rojas cicatrices, que se asemejan mucho a las venas de los ojos de los hombres.