viernes, 13 de junio de 2014
FUENTE : RT y propia.
Monitoring climate change from space
martes, 10 de junio de 2014
"La prohibición del uso del español en las comunicaciones aeronáuticas puede reducir la conciencia situacional de las tripulaciones y controladores aéreos españoles cuando no se encuentre involucrada una aeronave extranjera, pudiendo disminuir por tanto los niveles de seguridad operacional". Con esta contundencia, las principales asociaciones españolas de pilotos y controladores de tráfico aéreo (AEP, APCAE, APROCTA, COPAC, SEPLA y USCA) han expresado en una misiva su disconformidad con la futura implantación, por parte de las autoridades aeronáuticas españolas, de una ley que prohíbe el uso del español en todas las comunicaciones entre las aeronaves y las torres y centros de control aéreo de España.
Todas las organizaciones firmantes de la carta enviada a las autoridades aeronáuticas forman parte de grupos de trabajo en diversos comités de expertos de de agencias de seguridad, AESA, por lo que debe ser en el seno de esos comités donde se diluciden las necesidades que, en materia de seguridad aérea, deban ser implantados en el espacio aéreo español, al estilo de los países de nuestro entorno.
El español, es un idioma reconocido por la OACI (Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional), desde su fundación, en 1944.
FAA Approves First Commercial UAS Flights over Land Surveys Will Check Pipelines, Infrastructure on Alaska North Slope The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration has given approval for energy corporation BP and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) manufacturer AeroVironment to fly an AeroVironment Puma AE for aerial surveys in Alaska -- the first time the FAA has authorized a commercial UAS operation over land. "These surveys on Alaska's North Slope are another important step toward broader commercial use of unmanned aircraft," said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "The technology is quickly changing, and the opportunities are growing." The FAA issued a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization to survey BP pipelines, roads and equipment at Prudhoe Bay, AK, the largest oilfield in the United States. AeroVironment performed the first flight for BP on June 8. The Puma AE is a small, hand-launched UAS that is about 4 1/2 feet long and has a wingspan of 9 feet. Using the information generated by the Puma's sensors, BP hopes to target maintenance activities on specific roads and infrastructure, which will save time and support safety and operational reliability goals, while helping to protect the sensitive North Slope environment. Last summer, the FAA issued restricted category type certificates to the Puma and Insitu's Scan Eagle, another small UAS. The certificates were limited to aerial surveillance only over Arctic waters. The FAA recently modified the data sheet of the Puma's restricted category type certificate to allow operations over land after AeroVironment showed that the Puma could perform such flights safely. "The 2012 Reauthorization law tasks us with integrating small UAS in the Arctic on a permanent basis," said FAA Administrator Michael Huerta. "This operation will help us accomplish the goal set for us by Congress." |
lunes, 9 de junio de 2014
Emirates Cabin Crew at Dubai Mall | Emirates Official Store & A380 Exper...
FAA Announces Nevada UAS Test Site Now Operational
Research to examine UAS integration with air traffic control procedures and NextGen
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration today announced that the State of Nevada's unmanned aircraft systems test site is ready to conduct research vital to integrating UAS into the nation's airspace. Nevada is the third of six congressionally mandated test sites to become operational.
"Nevada has been on the leading edge of aerospace flight testing for almost 70 years," said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "Today, the state continues that tradition by contributing to the safe and efficient integration of unmanned aircraft into the U.S. aviation system."
The FAA granted the State of Nevada team a two-year Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA) to use an Insitu ScanEagle at the Desert Rock Airport located in Mercury, NV. Desert Rock Airport, owned and operated by the Department of Energy, is a private airport and not for general use. The ScanEagle will fly at or below 3,000 feet, monitored by a visual observer and mission commander. Initial flights will verify that a UAS can operate safely at the airport.
Nevada's research will concentrate on UAS standards and operations as well as operator standards and certification requirements. The site's activities also will include a concentrated look at how air traffic control procedures will evolve with the introduction of UAS into the civil environment and how these aircraft will integrate with NextGen, the modernization of the national airspace system.
"The UAS test sites will help us identify operational goals as well as safety issues we must consider when expanding the use of unmanned aircraft into our airspace," said FAA Administrator Michael Huerta. "This industry is growing exponentially, and we are working hard to make sure it does so safely."
The FAA selected six congressionally-mandated test sites on December 30, 2013. The agency is working with the test sites to guide their research programs to help the FAA safely integrate UAS into the national airspace over the next several years.